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1-800-333-9197 / 1-817-740-9197 FIRE PREVENTION TECHNOLOGIES |
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email: fireprod@aol.com |
The Most Effective Fire and Flame Retardants Available In The World |
fire retardant coating for I-Joists • fire retardant for plastic • fire retardant coating for thatch |
Email: fireprod@aol.com |
That's Incredible • Flame Safe Demonstration • Western Fire Center • Flame Safe of the Rockies Demo • Fire Buster • Application • Your New Home • Albuquerque Fire Academy Demo • Los Angeles Television News • DFW Television News • Maxim Technologies |
Most fire retardant products presently on the market do not have testing by accredited third party testing agencies to back their claims.Flame Safe’s fire retardant products have been tested by accredited third party testing agencies. Flame Safe warrants it’s products to perform as tested and will furnish test reports upon request, in addition to those published on our website.
Flame Safe Chemical manufactures a complete line of fire retardant coatings, fire retardant penetrants and fire retardant sprays that meet or exceed industry’s fireproofing standards. The effectiveness of Flame Safe’s fire retardant products are well documented.
The uniqueness of Flame Safe’s products are not only their simplicity of application, their low cost, their environmental safeness, their tested, proven certifications, but most importantly they are required by code. Fire codes are written and enforced to save lives and property
Uniquely, Flame Safe’s fire retardant coatings, sprays and penetrants are easily applied, colorless, non-toxic, environmentally safe, and are aqueous based fire retardants chemicals.
Flame Safe has both interior and exterior fire protection coatings, penetrants, and fire retardant sprays for wood, wood products, lumber, plywood, wood shingles, timbers, fiberglass and plastics, styrofoam, canvas fabric, thatch, thatching, tiki huts, paper, cardboard and packaging systems for combustable liquids. The Fire Buster™ is a fire retardant treated fabric available for commercial and residential use.
Flame Safe is dedicated to setting not merely following the fireproof industry standards through ongoing research development and testing programs. Flame Safe continually endeavors to educate the marketplace on the significance of fireproofing combustable materials through the use of fire retardant products.
Go to PRODUCTS for more information on: vacuum-pressure treated interior fire retardant lumber, exterior fire retardant lumber, interior fire retardant plywood, exterior fire retardant plywood, fire retardant timbers, fire retardant wood specialities, fire retardant fabrics, fire retardant canvas, fire retardant wood shingles, fire retardant thatch and thatching, fire retardant for paper and cardboard, fire retardant for dry grass and brush, fire retardant for Christmas trees.
Serving your fireproofing needs!
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UL Tested |
Steinner Tunnel ASTM E84 Class A UL723 UL Type 1 NFPA255 |
Flame Safe Chemical Corporation and Flame Safe Wood Products, Inc.
2653 Warfield Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76106 Phone: 817-740-9197 Toll Free: 1-800-333-9197
Austin, Texas; South Texas, Montgomery,Alabama; Birmingham, AL; Huntsville, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama; Tuscaloosa, AL; Anchorage, Alaska; Fairbanks, Alaska; Kodiak, Alaska; Juneau, Alaska; Flagstaff, Aizona; Grand Canyon, AZ; Phoenix, Arizona; Tuscan, Arizona; Yuma, AZ; Camden, AR; Little Rock,Arkansas; Fayetteville, Arkansas; Fort Smith, Arkansas; Texarkana; AR; Anaheim, California; Bakersfield, CA; Bishop, CA; Fresno, CA; Irvine, CA; Long Beach, California; Los Angeles, CaliTallahassee, fornia; Oakland, CA; Modesto, CA; Monterey, CA; Oakland, California; Oxnard, CA; Palm Springs, CA; Pasedena, California; Fredding, CA; San Diego, CA; Sacramento, California; San Francisco, California; San Jose, CA; Santa Barbara, California; South Lake Tahoe, CA; Stockton, Calfornia; Aspen, Colorado; Denver, Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado; Durango, CO; Fort Collins, CO; Grand Junction, CO; Gunnison, Colorado; Lamar, CO; Montrose, Colorado; Pueblo, CO; Steamboat Springs, CO; Telluride, Colorado; Bridgeport, CT; New Haven, Connecticut; New London, CT; Hartford,Connecticut; Dover, Delaware; Willmingon, Delaware; Washington DC; Daytona Beach, Florida; Fort Lauderdale, FL; Fort Meyers, Florida, Fort Walton Beach, FL; Gainesville, Florida; Jacksonville, FL; Key West, Florida; Melbourne, FL; Miami, Florida; Naples, FL; Orlando, Florida; Panama City, FL; Pensacola, Florida; St. Petersburg, FL; Sanford, FL; Sarasota, Florida; Tallahassee, Florida; Tampa, Fl; West Palm Beach, Florida; Clearwater, Fl; South Beach, FL; Albany, GA; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia; Columbus, GA; Macon, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia; Valdosta, GA; Hilo, HI; Honolulu, Hawaii, Hoolehua, Hawaii; Kahului. HI; Kaailua Kona, HI; Kamuela, Hawaii, Kapalua, Hawaii; Lanai City, HI; Lihue, HI; Princeville, Hawaii; Boise, Idaho; Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Idaho Falls, Idaho; Lewiston, ID; Sun Valley, Idaho; Twin Falls, Idaho; Aurora, IL; Bloomington, IL; Champaign, Illinois; Chicago, Illinois; Danville, IL; Marion, Illinois; Marion, Illinois; Mount Vernon, IL; Peoria, Illinois; Quincy, IL; Rockford, IL; Springfield, Illinois, Sterling, IL; Wheeling, Illinois; Bloomington, Indiana, Butler, IN; Evansville, Indiana; Fort Wayne, IN; Gary, Indianna; Indianapolis, Indiana; Lafeyette, IN; South Bend, Indiana; Terre Haute, Indiana; Burlington, Iowa; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Des Moines. Iowa; Dubuque, Iowa; Fort Dodge, Iowa; Mason City, IA; Mason City, IA; Sioux City, Iowa; Waterloo, Iowa; Dodge City, Kansas; Garden City, KS; Great Bend, KS; Hays, Kansas; Manhattan, Kansas; Salina, Kansas; Topeka, Kansas, Wichita, KS; Kansas City, Kansas; Lexington, Kentucky; Louisville, Kentucky; Owensboro, KY; Paducah, KY; Alexandria, LA; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Lafeyette, Louisiana; Lake Charles, LA; Monroe, LA; New Orleans, Louisiana; Shreveport, Louisiana; Augusta, Maine; Bangor, Maine; Bar Harbor, ME, Portland, Maine; Rockland, Maine; Annapolis, Maryland; Baltimore, Maryland; Cumberland, MD, Hagerstown, MD; Ocean City, Maryland; Salisbury, MD; Boston, Massachusetts; Edgartown, MA; Hyannis, Masschusetts, Hyannis, MA Lawrence, MA; Nantucket, Massachusetts;New Bedford, MA; Plymouth, MA; Massachusetts; Providence, Massachusetts; Springfield, MA; Worcester, Masschusetts; Battle Creek, Michigan; Detroit, Michigan; Flint, Michigan; Grand Rapids, hancock, Iron Mountain, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Marquette, Menominee, Muskegon, Pellston, Pontiac, Saginaw, Traverse City, Michigan; Bemidji, Minnesosta; Brainerd, Duluth, Fairmont Fergua, Grand Rapids, Hibbing, International Falls, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Rochester, Thief River Falls, Minnesota; Columbus, Mississippi; Corinth, Greenville, Gulfport, Jackson, Mississippi; Laurel, Meridan, Tupelo, Mississippi; Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Columbia, Joplin, Kansas City, Missouri; Kirksville, St Louis, Missouri; Springfield, Missouri; Billings, MT; Bozeman, MT; Butte, Montana, Glasgow, MT; Great Falls, Montana; Helena, Montana, Kalispell, MT; Lewistown, MT; Miles City, Montana; Missoula, Montana; West Yellowstone, Montana; Wolf Point, MT; Allaince, Nebraska; Chadron, Grand Island, Nebraska; Hastings, Kearney, Lincoln, Nebraska; Norfolk, North Platte, NE; Omaha, Nebraska; Scottsbluff, NE; Sidney, Nebraska; Elko, Neveda; Ely, NV; Las Vegas, Nevada; Reno, NV; Keene, NewHampshire; Laconia, NH; Lebanon, New Hampshire; Manchester, New Hampshire; Atlanctic City, New Jersey; Newark, NJ; Trenton, New Jersey; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Carlsbad, NM, Clovis, New Mexico; Farmington, New Mexico, Gallup, NM; Los Alamos, NM; Roswell, New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Albany, New York;, Buffalo, Inslip, New dYork; Ithaca, NY; Jamestown, New York, Long Island City, NY, Newyork, New York, Niagra Falls, NY; Plattsburgh, NY; Rochester, NY, Syracuse, New York; Utica, New York, Watertown, NY; White Plains, New York; Charlotte, North Carolina, Fayetteville, NC; Greensboro, North Caroling; Jacksonville, NC; Kinston, NC; ManteNC; Pinehurst, NC; Raleigh, North Carolina; Willmington, North Carolina; Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Bismark, North Dakota; Fargo, ND; Grand Forks, ND; Jamestown, North Dakota; Minot, ND; Williston, North Dakota; Akron, Ohio, Cicinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, OH; Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio, Toledo, OH; Wilmington, OH, Youngstown, Ohio; Enid, Oklahoma; Lawton, OK; McAlester, OK; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Ponca City, OK; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Eugene, Oregon; Klamath Falls, Oregon, Medford, North Bend, Pendletoon, Portland, Oregon; Redmond, OR; Salem, Oregon; Allentown, Pennsylvania; Bradford, PA; Du Bois, PA; Erie, Pennsylvania; Franklin, PA; Harrisbug, PA; Lancaster, PA; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pttsburg, PA, REading, PA, Williamsport, Pennsylvania; Block Island, Rhode Island; ; Providence, RI; Westerly, Rhode Island; Anderson, South Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina; Columbia, South Carolina; Florence, SC; Greenville, SC; Hilton Head Island, SC; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Aberdeen, South Dakota; Brookings, SD; Huron, South Dakota; Rapid City, SD; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Watertown, SD; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Jackson, TN; Knoxville, Tennessee;, Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Abilene, Texas,Amarillo, TX; Austin, Texas; Beaumont, TX; Brownsville, Texas; College Station, TX; Corpus Christi, Texas; Dallas, TX; El Paso, TX; Fort Worth, Texas; Houston, Texas; Killeen, TX; Laredo, TX; Longview, Texas; Lubbock, TX; Lufkin, TX; McAllen, TX; Midland, Texas, Odessa, TX; Paris, Texas; Padre Island, TX; San Angelo, TX; San Antonio, Texas; Tyler, TX; Waco, Texas; Wichita Falls, Texas; Blanding Utah; Cedar City, Utah; Delta, UT; Fillmore, UT; Kanab, UT; Milford, UT; Monticello, Utah; Mount Pleasant, Utah; Nephi, UT; Price, UT; Richfield, UT; Roosevelt, Utah; St.George, Utah; Salina, UT; Salt Lake City, Utah; Wendover, Utah; Burlington, Vermont; Rutland, Vermont; Charlottesville, Virginia; Danville, VA; Hot Springs, VA; Lynchburg, Virginia; Newport News, Virginia; Richmond, VA; Roanoke, Virginia; Anacores, Washington; Bellingham, WA; Center Island, WA; DEcatur, Washington. Eastsound, WA; Friday Harbor, WA, Kenmore, W, Lopez, Washington; Moses Lake, Washington; Oak Harbor, Port Angeles, Washington; Richland, WA; Roche Harbor, WA; Seattle, Washington; Spokane, Washington; Stuart Islsand, WA; Waldron, WA; Walla Walla, Wahington; West Sound, Washington, Yakima, Washington; Beckley, West Virgina; Bluefield, WV; Charleston, WV; Clarksburg, West Virgina; Elkins, WV; Greenbriar, WV; Huntington, West Virgina; Morgantown, West Virginia; Parkersburg, West Virginia; Appleton, Wisconsin; Eagle River, Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Green Bay, Wisconsin, Janesville, LaCrosse, Wisconsin; Madison, Wisconsin; Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Rhinelander, Wisconsin; Ssturgeon, Wisconsin; Wausau, Wisconsin; Casper Wyoming; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Cody, WY; Gillette, WY; Jackson, Wyoming; Laramie, WY; Riverton, WY; Rock Springs, Wyoming; Sheridan, Wyoming; Worland, Wyoming; Nassau, Bahamas; San Juan, Pueto Rico; Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands; St. Thomas; St. Croix; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Victoria, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada; Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada; Saint John's, Newfoundland, Canada; Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; London, Ottawa, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Juneau, Alaska, Canada; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; Whithorse, Yukon, Canada, Calgary, Edmonton, Canada.
The information contained herein is the property of fire prevention technologies d/b/a Flame Safe Chemical Corporation and Flame Safe Wood Products, Inc . © 1990 Revised 8/20/2009